Does your hair make your entire appearance go dull? After a head wash, a quick glance in the mirror reveals a story about your hair. Isn’t it? Have you ever asked yourself that why your hair seems to have become oily and greasy look you never even washed it in the first place? Well, this reveals that you have oily hair, which indirectly says that your hair shafts are not prone to breakage, and your scalp stays in good condition due to oil glands. These glands might secrete too much oil due to a variety of reasons such as hormonal fluctuations, hereditary conditions or the natural texture of your hair.
Oil secretion is good for the hair as it maintains the roots well but nothing in excess is ever good, and the proof of it lies in the oily hair type. Moreover, realizing how much this bothers the women of today, all the multinational companies rushed to produce many products dedicated to fighting off the excess oil. How many of them work nobody can tell.
What if we tell you a few tips that will definitely result in less oil and more bounce? Along with the added advantage of being pocket-friendly? Here are a few remedies for oily hair at home!
Get a good shampoo for oily hair
If you have oily hair, it is best to shampoo regularly to keep your hair clean and grease-free. Preferably, choose a shampoo that is meant for oily hair only. If your hair is dry, use a nourishing conditioner only on the hair shafts to keep them moisturized and soft. If you have oily hair along with an oily scalp, the shampoo for oily hair is going to take care of both your scalp and tresses at the same time. Use a pH balanced shampoo which is mild and specially formulated for oily hair.
Go for oil treatment once a week
Oil plays an important role in the hair care treatment and coconut oil with almond oil are perfect elements for treating your damaged hair. Add a few drops of tea tree essential oil to it and use this mixture to massage your scalp and hair. Leave it on for one hour. Wash off with a good quality shampoo, and make sure that you wash your hair thoroughly. No trace of oil should be left behind. This will help to nourish your scalp and hair. At the same time, it will not affect your hair negatively since you won’t keep it on for more than an hour. Never go for overnight oil treatment since they can be detrimental to your hair health.
Aloe vera gel is must
One of the best natural remedies for greasy hair is aloe vera gel. For this, take a cup of mild shampoo and add a tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of fresh Aloe Vera gel. Mix this and store it in a bottle in the fridge. This amount lasts for about a week and make sure to shampoo your hair everyday with this mixture to get rid of greasiness.
Avoid serums and glossy gels
Oily hair has a natural shine so ensure to avoid using shining serums and glossy gels on hair. These are simply not required. They only add to your hassles.
Do not rub the scalp
Never rub a towel or scratch your scalp vigorously. This may lead to abrasions, oily dandruff or may excite the oil glands to generate more oil secretion.
Avoid over brushing hair
Avoid brushing your hair too much. The oils from your scalp get distributed throughout your hair every time you run a brush.
Beer rinse
Any kind of alcohol or beer gives a drying effect to the hair, reducing the greasiness. The higher the content of alcohol, the better it is. For this, half a cup of alcohol or beer should be mixed with a couple of cups of water. The hair should be finally rinsed with this mixture, which will reduce the greasiness as well as make the hair shine.
Hope this article on home remedies for oily hair helps you to fight with hair battle you face everyday! If you know any more effective tips for oily hair treatment, share with us in the comment section.
This content was created by AI