Tips For Weight Loss For Women In Their 30s

Author: Priyanka Saxena on Jul 02,2018

Losing weight in your thirties is a big challenge. The main reason behind this is that women tend to lose their muscle mass by 1 percent every year around the age of thirty. Due to this, bones become fragile and the metabolism gradually slows down. This decrease in metabolism rate will lead to sluggishness, lethargy, and obesity. Other reasons which make it difficult for weight loss for women in their 30s are career and family responsibilities. However, with deteriorating health, you must stay focused and follow the tips mentioned to stay fit and healthy.

1. Focus on protein rich diet:

Protein is a macronutrient and building block of bones, skin, muscles etc. Unlike vitamins and minerals, which are classified under micronutrients, proteins are not stored in the body. Hence, regular supply of protein-rich food is vital. A protein-rich diet is crucial in increasing the metabolism rate and will also increase the muscle mass. It will help you feel energetic and will ward off the hunger. For active women in her 30s, daily two servings of six ounces in total is suggested. Some of the sources of protein-rich foods that are low in saturated fat are seafood, beans, soy, eggs, lean meat, nuts, and seeds. These foods are low in calories and will also help in reducing weight.

2. Pick dairy:

Dairy products such as milk, eggs are particularly important because you tend to lose calcium in the 30s and the bone density starts depleting (osteoporosis). Moreover, it has been proved that incorporating calcium-rich diet also helps in burning fat. For women in 30s, 1000 mg of calcium intake is necessary and this should be consumed over a time interval because the human body can only consume 500 mg at a particular time. Vitamin D3 is also important as it increases the body capacity to absorb more calcium. Approximately 400 International Units (IU) of D3 should be consumed on daily basis.

3. Eat right:

Eating the right food is important for weight loss for women in their 30s. According to a study, you should eat at least 5 times a day. Out of these, 3 must be regular means and 2 must be snacks. As suggested, prefer high protein foods in meals and you may consume yogurt, boiled eggs, protein shakes for snacks. Do not consume artificial sweeteners as sugar-based products will increase the cravings and you will end up binging on them. Instead of artificial sweeteners, add jaggery or honey to your diet. Oily and junk food is also very harmful when you are on the journey to weight loss. A 100-calorie snack pack such as Choco chip cookie is disastrous if you are thinking of weight loss. These snack packs are high in sugar and have low protein content. They spike insulin which is linked to the building of fat. Avoiding these snacks also helps in control symptoms of Premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

4. Manage stress:

According to a scientific research, there is a biological connection between stress and obesity. When you are stressed, you crave for comfort foods that are rich in sugar. There are specific hormones such as Serotonin, Cortisol and Neuropeptide Y which are linked to stress and obesity. Serotonin is a feel-good chemical which is released when you eat comfort foods. Similarly, Cortisol is released in the body when a person undergoes chronic stress. Cortisol is responsible for fat storage and food cravings. To lead a stress-free life, either meditate or involve in those activities (dancing, cycling etc.) which helps you in relieving the anxiety.

5. Exercise under guidance:

For effective weight loss for women in their 30s, exercise under guidance is very important. The trainer will help you in losing weight and will instruct the right exercises which will keep you fit over a long period of time. It becomes difficult to manage time for the gym when you have to juggle between work and family.  Short interval high-intensity exercises have been proved equally (in fact more) effective than long-term steady exercises. To keep yourself motivated towards exercising, try to find people who are of the same age as you and have the same goals.

6. Sleep

Even if you have a baby or a young child, make sure that you get sufficient sleep. Sleep deprivation affects the hormones that regulate the metabolism and appetite. It can make you feel lethargic and can lead to weight gain. In case of a baby, try to sync your sleeping hours between his or her sleep. Adults between the age of 26 to 45 must sleep for 7-8 hours in a day.

Wrapping up:

Above tips on weight loss for women in their 30s will surely help you. Initially, it may seem a little daunting but once you start getting the results, you will feel more energetic and confident.