Five Smart Tips for Women to Keep Teeth Natural White and Healthy

Have you ever wondered how would you look if you wake up one day and find no teeth in your mouth? Or rather find distorted teeth? Definitely, you would not even like to imagine the situation. Oral hygiene is a very important attribute to a woman’s health. A poor oral hygiene leads to various dental as well as medical issues. These include infection, gum diseases, heart disease, strokes, bone loss and more. We all know that regular brushing twice a day is a key to maintaining good oral hygiene. However, simple brushing and flossing is not enough to keep your teeth pearly white and healthy. There is more to maintaining a good oral hygiene other than the tips you have been hearing since age long. Here are some of these dental hygiene steps you must follow in order to promote great oral hygiene: Take care of your toothbrush Having a right toothbrush is far more vital than it seems. To maintain your teeth’s health, you need to take care of your toothbrush as well. After every tooth brushing, rinse it well and store it out in an upright position. Know that microorganisms that can attack your toothbrush thrive in a moist environment. Storing it out in open allows the air flow to move around the bristles and keep it dry. Make sure to get a new toothbrush when the older one is worn out and is no more effective. Ideally, it is recommended to replace toothbrushes every three to four months. Have a proper technique for brushing If you think washing your bristles is enough to remove any leftover food particle and to polish your teeth, then you need to rethink. A proper brushing technique is necessary to maintain your teeth’s health. Begin with your toothbrush at an angle of 45 degrees to your gums and make sure to use back and forth strokes across the tops and sides of your teeth. After this, hold your toothbrush in a vertical position and use many shorter strokes in order to focus on the back of your teeth since this is the place where plaque builds up often. Make use of fluoride once in a while Fluoride is not just for the kids. It is a natural mineral which hardens the enamel of the tooth and prevents cavities. You can get fluoride from some mouthrinses, some dental treatments or even from your toothpaste. Have a discussion with your dentist about the right fluoride for you. Check for the ADA Seal Remember that all toothpastes are not created equally. So, it is important to look out for a product having the ADA Seal of Acceptance for the best clean. This seal meets all the strict manufacturing requirements required for an effective clean and a suitable dosage of fluoride. It also ensures that you are using a product which the ADA guarantees will do a thorough and safe job each time you brush. Brushing the tongue Brushing your tongue regularly is equally important. It helps fight the bacteria present in your mouth. Tongue brushing is essential for keeping your teeth healthy and stopping bad breath. Look out for a toothbrush having a cheek and tongue cleaner so that you can easily remove bacteria from your mouth each time you brush. Wrapping up: Each and every person wants to have a beautiful smile and this is the reason oral hygiene is so important! Having a good oral hygiene can do so many wonderful life-changing benefits to a woman’s overall health. From better lucks in relationships and careers to a greater self-confidence, healthy and natural white teeth can truly transform you- inside and out. So, keep flossing and keep smiling!

Know How to Kick Away Stress From Your Beautiful Life!

Most people would agree that stress and anxiety are some of the common experiences in their everyday life. In fact, about 70 percent of the adults in the US have admitted that they feel anxiety and stress almost daily. Living a stressful life hamper one’s efficiency and decreases their ability to lead a happy and healthy life. When one is stressed, they tend to fall sick more often and tend to feel grumpy and irritated as well. There are a number of factors that have contributed to this situation such as our hectic schedules and the many responsibilities that we have. It may seem like there is nothing you can do about this stressful condition. The work and family responsibilities are always going to be there, there won’t be more hours in the day, and your bills will never stop coming. However, you do have a lot more control than you actually might think. A simple realization about the fact that you are in control of your own life is the basis of managing stress and anxiety. It is all about taking charge of your life, emotions, thoughts, and the manner in which you deal with your problems. So, if you are really looking forward to lead a stress-free and thus happy life, it is crucial to follow certain steps. These steps will help you get a control over your life and manage stress in a better way. Identify the factors that cause stress This particular step is the most vital of all. Identifying the things that bring stress into your life is the first step towards removing them. Spend 10 minutes analyzing about the things that stress you out during the day. The activities, people, and the things that cause you stress needs to be identified. Make a list of these factors and see which of them can be weed out. For the ones you cannot eliminate, find methods to make them less stressful. Regular Exercising Exercise is one of the best things you can do in order to fight stress. It might look conflicting to know that putting physical stress through exercise on your body can help in relieving mental stress. The benefits of regular exercising are many: It lowers the stress hormones generated in the body and helps in releasing mood enhancing chemicals within your body, improves quality of sleep, and also makes you more confident in your body. Activities such as jogging, walking or dancing, can prove to be particularly stress relieving. Get quality sleep Taking a quality nap in the night is beneficial to your overall health and also to your emotional well-being. It has been found that those who report poor quality sleep experience high levels of stress and low satisfaction in their life. Though, it is important to take eight hours of sleep every night, the quality of sleep that you take is equally crucial. Connect with other people When dealing with the daily stress, social interactions are extremely effective. Connecting with your near and dear ones make you feel less alone and also allow you to get a fresh perspective on what is actually bothering you. So, do spend some quality time with your friends and family, who understand you and can provide better advice. Even if you can’t manage to meet people in person, a phone call or a text message can make a huge difference. Wrapping up: The age-old proverb “Prevention is better than cure” holds quite true for managing stress. So, start with the little things such as singing your favourite song, having a cup of your favourite coffee, or even typing away something on the computer. We all have responsibilities, work and other chores to look out after, however taking time of ourselves every day is the most important thing to practice. And the best way to achieve this is by doing things that we love.

How to Keep Yourself Safe in the Flu Season?

We are all at the peak of cold and flu season. This makes us a little paranoid about our well-being. Especially when you work in an office that is filled with people, getting sick becomes so much easier. People working in close quarters are specifically susceptible to this highly contagious illness. The flu can easily spread to other people up to around 6 feet away by droplets made when they sneeze, cough or simply while talking as well. Touching an object or a surface contaminated with virus and then touching your own nose or mouth can also make you get the flu. No one likes getting sick. However, no matter how much you try to take cautions, it sometimes becomes unavoidable. Unless or until you enclose yourself in a plastic bubble for an entire weeks or more, avoiding the flu germs completely is close to impossible. But there is a good new here. You can follow certain steps at work in order to reduce the chances of getting or spreading the flu, for that matter: Get yourself vaccinated According to the Center for Disease Control, the vaccine for an annual seasonal flu, either the nasal spray or the flu shot, is the the best way to decrease your possibility of getting and spreading the flu. So, opt for getting yourself vaccinated beforehand to keep yourself as well others safe. Keep your workstation as clean as possible You can keep a box of sanitizing wipe on your desk and make it a habit to clean your workstation on a regular basis. This includes wiping your filing cabinet handles, phone, keyboard, and mouse. Another way of getting the flu from office is shaking hands with the colleagues and then touching your own face, pens, keyboard, etc. Though, avoiding handshake at office is difficult else it’ll make you look rude, keeping a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you can prove to be quite useful during meeting times. Also, in case you notice someone being sick in your office, maintain your distance. If somebody coughs near you, cover your mouth and nose immediately and keep at least one metre distance from them. Have enough sleep You must have heard the importance of an ample sleep. In case you feel it difficult to fall asleep at night, try out breathing exercise. It’ll go a long way in changing your routine and making you feel sleepy at any hour of the day you go to bed. Avoid sharing anything Since you are well aware of the fact that this is the flu season, do not share anything in office. Be it your pen, food or any kind of drinks, avoid sharing at any cost. You know how quickly germs can spread, so if you really want to avoid catching the bug, you need to keep yourself safe from opportunities where germs can get to you. Always speak up when you are not feeling well enough So you woke up this morning feeling all fine but just as you reached office, you are starting to feel dizzy and are afraid of catching the flu. In this situation, it is best to let your team and boss know right away that you are feeling unwell even if you think that your sore throat, coughing and runny nose are visible enough. This way you can see and analyze their reactions and thus taking a sick leave, if required, will not come off as a surprise. Wrapping up: Unfortunately enough, there is no sure way of avoiding the cold and flu at office. However, these strategies will help you in staying healthy and safe for as long as possible and will also keep your colleagues safe at work.

Get Beautiful Skin and Shiny Hair with These Nutrients

Have you ever wondered how some people achieve that flawless skin and shiny hair? Most of you would say that it’s in their genes. While you are probably right but not completely. You must be amazed to know that the best-kept beauty secrets are hidden right inside your grocery! There is an old saying- ‘You are what you eat’. There is indeed a measure of truth in this adage. The very first requirement for a beautiful skin and hair is a well-balanced diet. And by ‘well-balanced diet’, we mean one which consists of all the essential nutrients in proper proportions as per your age, gender, physical built and lifestyle. Regular intake of such food is reflected by your body in skin and hair conditions. Now there is no need for you to spend that hard-earned saving on all those beauty products. The best way to maintaining a youthful and beautiful body is to begin on the inside. While you care passionately about your body’s external requirements, consider how your diet can solve your beauty problems. You simply need to devote time regularly to get all the essential nutrients required by your body to stay hydrated, keep your skin glowing and your hair shining. Here are some of the essential nutrients that are helpful in maintaining the natural beauty of your skin and here: Collagen This particular nutrient makes up about 80% of your skin and is the face-plumping protein. The fibers of collagen provide your skin firmness and strength. This nutrient starts to diminish naturally after the age of 30 leading to decreased thickness of the skin by about 7% every 10 years. However, there are supplements of type 1, 2, and 3 collagen that can help in preventing aging. Apart from these benefits, collagen also strengthens nails and hair and thus is crucial for healthy joints and bones.  Certain vitamins such as vitamin C from plant-based food can help stimulate your body to generate collagen. Some of the foods high in collagen include bone broth, wild salmon, chlorella, leafy greens, eggs, berries, tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, avocados, garlic, and citrus. Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids These essential fatty acids are healthy fats which are required for a healthy scalp and shiny hair. They offer healing benefits in several inflammatory conditions including eczema. These fatty acids help in keeping skin supple as they provide building blocks for healthy hormones and skin cells. Omega 3 guards your skin against wrinkle formation and is also responsible for moisture content, skin repair, and overall flexibility. However, your body doesn’t produce Omega 3 fatty acids and thus must be obtained through diet and supplements only. The food sources that are high in these fatty acids are salmon, walnuts, flax seeds, sardines, mackerel and chia seeds. Omega 3 can also be supplemented with a fish oil pill. Ceramides These occur naturally in the skin’s own oil and are a must for winters. Ceramides reinforce its protective barrier and generally signify some 40% of the intercellular ‘cement’ binding cells together. With age, the levels of ceramides decline in your skin and are lesser during the winter months leading to the inflamed and dry skin. Traditionally ceramides are derived from animal sources; however, 'phytoceramides' are derived from plants such as rice bran and wheat grain. Wrapping up: Whatever that you put inside your body shows up on the outside. Just like, the unhealthy soil doesn’t make the plants to bloom properly. Similarly, your skin and hair bloom when your digestive tract is healthy. Thus, eating the right food full of essential nutrients enhance your beauty and also help in minimizing wrinkles, inflammation, acne and other conditions related to skin. Yes, one cannot look 21 forever; however, such diet can definitely help in making your skin and hair look youthful and healthier.

Know Why Your Skin Aging Prematurely?

Aging is a natural process that is usually connected to how old we are. The way we look sometimes indicate our biological age. But only sometimes! Appearances can often be deceptive. More than half of the people often look older than they really are. This happens because of their engagement in certain unhealthy behaviors. This is known as premature aging which happens when the skin undergoes an unnatural aging process. The reasons for this unnatural aging process include leading an unhealthy lifestyle or extreme sun exposure. In addition to these, stress and sadness are also some of the major causes of premature aging. As you know that the knowledge is power, the more you will know about the causes of this unnatural aging process, the more you can control this and maintain a healthier, youthful body and mind. Here are some of the common factors that cause your skin to age prematurely: Your attitude The mind is a powerful organ of our body which plays a crucial role in whether we age faster or slower. You can use your mind to help you accelerate or decelerate the aging process. We all know that people who are happier internally look younger. The more you hold optimism, hope, and joy within yourself, the younger you will appear. Happier people also live a long and healthy life. Stress and anger show up on your face in the form of deep wrinkles and fine lines because of muscle contraction. On contrary, a happier face is devoid of any scowl marks or wrinkles because of relaxed muscles. Smoking and drinking Excessive smoking leads to premature fine lines on your face that usually appears on the places where the skin is thin such as above the upper lip and sides of the eyes. Smokers can gain these lines 10 years before their non-smoker friends. Reduction of vitamin C in the blood of people who smoke causes such premature wrinkles. Vitamin C is an essential component in the production of collagen fibers, responsible for maintaining the elasticity and youthfulness of skin. Alcohol is also quite rough on the skin. Drinking alcohol leads to dehydration of skin and ultimately damages it making you look older. A poor diet Food that is poor in nutrients and excess in fats don’t do any good to our bodies. Instead, they cause serious consequences on our health and thus overall appearance. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, reduced-fat meats and the suitable amount of water is necessary to maintain a youthful appearance. Such a healthy diet will be extremely helpful in keeping your hair and skin healthy and shiny as ever. Lack of enough sleep When our mind is in deep sleep, the pituitary gland in our brain secretes growth hormone. This hormone which is important in keeping our body tissues renewed is secreted in adults one of the few times in a day during continuous night sleep. Lack of sleep over a prolonged time period not only accelerates the aging process but also causes many pathological processes. Thus, at least 8 hours of sleep is necessary for restoring the energy levels of our body and keeping us stronger and healthier. Wrapping up: By making a change in lifestyle, people who are already suffering from premature aging signs can also benefit. Give your skin a chance to repair the damage by protecting it from sun exposure. Also, the smokers notice their skin looking healthier after they stop smoking. There are also many treatments available nowadays for skin tightening and smoothing wrinkles. These procedures are also giving many people a younger-looking skin. If signs of premature aging bother you, you can also opt for such treatments, however, a natural process and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is far better.