Fizz Your Way To Gut Health: 7 Delicious Probiotic Sodas

Are you looking for a delicious way to boost your gut health? Probiotic soda is the perfect solution! Not only is it tasty, but its also a great way to get some beneficial bacteria into your system. In this blog post, well go over the top eight probiotic sodas you need to try. So keep reading to find out which ones you should be stocking up on!


Probiotic Sodas: What You Need to Know

Probiotic sodas are carbonated beverages that are infused with live beneficial bacteria. Unlike traditional sodas that are laden with sugar and artificial ingredients, probiotic sodas often contain natural ingredients and are sweetened with fruit juices, honey, or other natural sweeteners. The addition of live cultures is what sets these beverages apart, promising benefits like improved digestion, enhanced immune function, and a healthy gut flora. The human gut houses trillions of microorganisms, including beneficial bacteria. These "good" bacteria play a crucial role in many bodily functions from digesting food and producing essential vitamins to warding off harmful pathogens. Imbalances in our gut flora, due to factors like poor diet, stress, or antibiotics, can lead to digestive issues and other health problems. Probiotics, often referred to as 'friendly bacteria', help in restoring this balance.


1. Kombucha Wonder Drink


Kombucha Wonder Drink, probiotic soda with different flavor

Image: Wonder Drink Kombucha


Kombucha Wonder Drink is a great option if youre looking for a probiotic soda that has a classic flavor. This soda comes in a variety of flavors, including original, raspberry, peach, and ginger. Its made using a combination of green and black tea, which gives it a unique flavor. Plus, it contains beneficial bacteria, making it a great choice for those looking to improve their gut health and get radiant skin. Kombucha Wonder Drink is slightly sweet, and it has a light carbonation that makes it a refreshing beverage. Its also low in calories, so you dont have to worry about consuming too many calories when youre enjoying this probiotic soda.


2. Health-Ade Kombucha


Woman holding Health-Ade Kombucha probiotic soda

Image: Health-Ade


Health-Ade Kombucha is another great choice when it comes to probiotic sodas. This beverage is made using a combination of green and black tea, and it comes in a variety of flavors. Some of the most popular flavors include original, lemon ginger, and pomegranate. This probiotic soda has a light and refreshing flavor. Plus, it contains beneficial bacteria, which makes it a great choice for those looking to improve their gut health. Health-Ade Kombucha is slightly sweet and has a light carbonation, which makes it a great choice for a refreshing beverage and get the perfect glow.


3. GTs Kombucha


GTs Kombucha probiotic soda

Image: gtslivingfoods


GTs Kombucha is a great choice if youre looking for a probiotic soda that has a classic flavor. This beverage comes in a variety of flavors, including original, gingerberry, and lemonade. Its made using a combination of green and black tea, which gives it a unique flavor. Plus, it contains beneficial bacteria, making it a great choice for those looking to improve their gut health. GTs Kombucha is slightly sweet and can remind you of fruits, and it has a light carbonation that makes it a refreshing beverage. You dont have to worry about consuming too many calories when youre enjoying this probiotic soda.


4. KeVita Sparkling Probiotic Drink


KeVita Sparkling Probiotic Drink with different flavors

Image: KeVita


KeVita has been making waves in the probiotic drinks market, and for good reason. Their Lemon Ginger variant is both invigorating and delicious. With its unique blend of Lactobacillus rhamnosus bacteria and KeVitas proprietary water kefir culture, this drink not only offers a delightful fizzy sensation but also aids in digestive health.


5. LIVE Soda


LIVE Soda, probiotic drinks

Image: LIVE Soda


Cola lovers, rejoice! LIVE Soda offers a healthier twist to the classic cola flavor. Sweetened using natural ingredients and devoid of artificial additives, this probiotic soda gives the beloved cola taste but with a health-conscious approach. Each bottle is infused with billions of probiotics, ensuring your gut gets a healthy treat with each sip.


6. Poppi Prebiotic Soda


Poppi Prebiotic Soda can

Image: Amazon


Though primarily a prebiotic soda, Poppi makes the list because of its commitment to gut health. Prebiotics feed the beneficial bacteria in our gut, complementing the role of probiotics. The Pineapple Mango flavor provides a tropical retreat with its fruity notes and a subtle hint of apple cider vinegar. It's a refreshing drink that supports a healthy microbiome.


7. Revive Sparkling Probiotic


Revive Sparkling Probiotic soda

Image: Amazon


Revive offers a range of probiotic-rich drinks, but the Cucumber Mint Mojito stands out for its spa-like freshness. Inspired by the classic mojito, this non-alcoholic treat combines the cooling flavors of cucumber and mint, delivering a rejuvenating experience. Made with organic ingredients and vegan cultures, this soda ensures you're consuming quality with every gulp.


Why Choose Probiotic Sodas?

Taste & Variety: Probiotic sodas come in a range of delightful flavors - from classic lemon-lime and ginger to exotic combinations like hibiscus-rose and pomegranate-chili. Theres a flavor to suit every palate, making it a treat for the taste buds.


Health Benefits: Beyond the probiotics, these sodas often contain other healthy ingredients like herbal extracts, vitamins, and minerals. The fermented nature of these drinks can also mean theyre a source of beneficial organic acids.


Low in Sugar: Unlike traditional sodas, many probiotic sodas are lower in sugar. They prioritize natural, minimal ingredients, making them a healthier choice for those looking to reduce their sugar intake.


Eco-friendly Packaging: Many probiotic soda brands prioritize sustainability. It's common to find these beverages in recyclable or biodegradable packaging, aligning with the health and wellness ethos.


Making Your Own Probiotic Soda

If you're feeling adventurous, you can make probiotic sodas at home. Heres a simple recipe to get you started:



  • 1 quart of water
  • cup of sugar (to feed the bacteria, not sweeten the drink)
  • cup of water kefir grains
  • Flavoring: fruit slices, ginger, herbs, etc.


  1. Dissolve sugar in water.
  2. Add the water kefir grains.
  3. Let it ferment for 24-48 hours in a warm place.
  4. Strain out the kefir grains.
  5. Bottle the liquid with your chosen flavorings.
  6. Allow it to carbonate for another 24 hours before refrigerating.
  7. Enjoy chilled!


Probiotic sodas are a delicious, effervescent way to support gut health. Whether you buy them from a store or make your own, these drinks offer a healthier alternative to conventional sodas. With an array of flavors and the added health benefits of probiotics, theres no reason not to indulge in these bubbly delights. There are a variety of probiotic sodas available, so youre sure to find one that you love. The top eight probiotic sodas you need to try are Kombucha Wonder Drink, Health-Ade Kombucha, GTs Kombucha, KeVita Master Brew Kombucha, Aqua Kefir, Reeds Culture Club Kombucha, Virgils Zero Sugar, and Brew Dr. Kombucha. So stock up on these probiotic sodas and enjoy a delicious and healthy beverage. Cheers to a happy gut!