How to be Happy in the Present Moment?

Author: Priyanka Saxena on Feb 14,2018

Life is what happens to you, while you’re busy making other plans.” - John Lennon

Many people live their life always expecting for something good to happen, thinking that tomorrow will be far better as compared to today, believing that the next moment will be more valuable than the present moment, persistently dreaming for something else.

However, not many people know that that they would be truly happy if they could only allow themselves to be completely present in everything they do without the need to look out for something else or chasing something that will only happen in the future and is not there in the present moment. When your mind is completely present in the present moment every second of the day, you are at peace and are content. For life is now, and not yesterday, not tomorrow, not in 10 years, but now!

So if you are looking forward to a more happier and successful life, then below are below listed are some of the moments worth experiencing each day:

Moment of laughter

Laughing and smiling put you in a good mood. There is also scientific and physiological evidence to show it. When you’ll take out some time each day to laugh, you’ll find it to be uplifting as well as contagious. So, try to surround yourself with more humorous people and find out chances to laugh as often as you could.

Moment of stillness

Stillness refers to the ability to shut off everything. By everything, we mean your mind too and get into a state of meditation. It is more valuable to practice the moments of stillness when your life is busier. The most popular ways to get into the state of stillness include meditation and yoga, even if that means only for a few minutes.

Moment of Celebration

Many people do not take out the time to celebrate anything in their life. So, how will they celebrate life on whole? Take out at least one opportunity each day to celebrate something good in your life, no matter how big or small the opportunity is!

Moment of Humility

Yes, feeling proud on your achievements is great, but a moment of humility is equally good. This way you appreciate a small role that you play in this huge universe. When you take out few seconds to appreciate the amazing world around you, you’ll feel happy for all that you have.

Moment of Reflection

In today’s fast-paced world, we all live a busy life. However, it is crucial to take out at least few moment every day where we just think and do nothing else. Simply keep your phone away from you, go somewhere and just reflect. Think about the day, the decisions and about the things and lessons you have learned from the past.

Moment of Gratitude

Take some time every day to express gratitude. Gratitude for everything in your life- for the people in it, the experiences you have had, and the complete world around you. Doing this simple act will make you a lot happier.

Moment of Connection

We are human beings at the end of the day. So, taking few moments each day to connect with your close ones- your family, friends, and significant other is crucial. Your happiness is not just about you, but about others as well. So, hold someone’s hand, give someone a hug or simply connect with someone positively.

Wrapping up:

Success and happiness are two things which are not easy to achieve. They require a lot of time, patience, efforts and luck. And so, you have to take advantage of those brief moments along the way till everything becomes right in your world. It is rightly said that:

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” - Arthur Ashe