The Essential Packing Checklist for Flying with an Infant

Editor: Karan Rawat on Nov 13,2017

Traveling with a baby is not an easy task, especially with infants. You have to be very cautious about every little thing. To help you out in this, we have created an essential packing checklist you should carry while traveling on a plane. Parents traveling with babies really deserve a salute. With hands full of heavy bags and odd looks, shows their struggle in the plane. We are not saying that you can get rid of this. No. not at all! But yes, we can help you remember all the important stuff to carry while flying with an infant. Have a look at it.

What are some of the Essentials?


Well, the actual number of diapers required totally depends upon the duration of your travel. But in any case, make sure you have more than 5 to 6 diapers in hand. Make sure you carry enough diapers for situations like travel delay and more.

Diaper Cream:

Carrying the diaper cream helps your baby skin retain moisture throughout the travel. Plus, it protects his body against rashes and infections. So, do not forget to include the baby diaper cream on your pack list.

Milk Powder/Formula:

Don’t risk getting stranded without milk powder as you never know when your child asks for that. Even if you are a breastfeeding mother, carrying the formula milk powder is a must. This will keep your baby full even when you are not lactating.

Water Bottle:

Separate bottle carrying warm water is one of the most important things that should pack in your carry bag.

Milk Bottle:

Make sure you triple check your bag for the milk bottle.

Baby Wipes:

From cleaning dried poops to cleaning baby’s hands and feet, baby wipes can help you multiple times while flying on a plane.

Baby Food:

For all those babies who are 1+ years of age, baby food is very important. Be available with enough food, when asked.

Baby Cereals and Fruits:

If you used to give baby cereals to your child, make sure you carry the same on a plane. For your child, having a cereal snack might have become a habit and he will ask for that for sure. So, make sure you have the same on the plane as well.

Blanket for Baby:

And you know why you need this. Keep your baby warm through the travel.

A Pair of Clothes to Change:

To keep your baby’s clothes clean and dirt-free, make sure you change them at least once during your travel.

First Aid Kit:

Though you will get the same from the staff but carrying the same with you minimizes time and makes you a responsible mother.

Medications (if any): 

If your child is allergic to any food, drink or any other thing, make sure you carry the anti-allergic medications with you. Apart from that, if he is taking particular medicines, do not forget to pack the same in your carry bag.


Amuse your baby with toys and other stuff or be ready to hear them shouting and crying throughout the journey.

Nasal Aspirator or Saline Solutions:

 A pack of nasal aspirator and saline solution is all that you need to keep your baby away from nose and stomach related health problems.

Plastic Bags for Dry & Wet Clothes:

Maintain proper hygiene by using separate plastic bags for dirty clothes and diapers.

Last Minute Tips

  • Pack your bag a few days before you travel.
  • Keep the packing list with you till you reach the airport.
  • Be ready for the leaky diapers on the airplane.
  • Pack an extra shirt for you as well.
  • Keep babies clothes in transparent organizers so you don't have to hunt around for tiny socks, shirts, and so on.
  • Make sure your mobile phone remains charged through the journey. For that, keep a battery charger with you.


Be smart and make traveling with baby a fun. For better results, write the essentials in the form of a checklist and take a print out of the same. It will help you cross-check the packed things, efficiently and effectively.

Did we miss anything in this list? If yes, let us know about that. Tell us what you would have packed while traveling in flight with your baby. We would love to add that to our list.

Have a Safe Journey!



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