8 Simple Shoulder Exercises for Women to Improve Posture

Editor: Shubhankar Sen on Nov 03,2022
ww shoulder workouts for women


In today’s world, there are many different ways that we can become more aware of our bodies and the way that it moves. From social media influencers to vlogging, the internet has made it easier than ever before to see other people in the same space as us working on their bodies. In addition, the rise of “fitspiration” images on Instagram and Tumblr have also played a big role in making people more aware of their physical self. 

But while you might think that this makes it easy for women to feel more comfortable with their bodies and how they look from day to day, that isn’t always the case. While many women are taking notice of what they look like and how their posture could stand to improve, others are shying away from the computer screen, avoiding pictures of themselves at all costs. 

With this in mind, as a personal trainer who works with women every day, I know firsthand just how important having strong shoulders is when it comes to improving posture. Our posture is not only about how we look, feel and present ourselves but can also have long-term adverse effects on our health if we abuse it. That’s why in this blog post, we’ll be going over some simple shoulder exercises for women to improve posture and build strength so you can boost your confidence - no matter what your size or shape!


1. Wall Slides

Wall slides are a great way to start your shoulder workout because they’ll warm your muscles up and get them ready to move! To do these, all you need is a wall and your hands. Start by standing with your feet about a foot and a half away from the wall and put your palms against the wall with your fingers pointed towards the ceiling. Make sure your fingers are spread just a bit wider than shoulder-width apart and that your elbows are as close to the wall as possible. When you’re ready, slide your hands down the wall one at a time until your arms are fully extended, and you’re feeling a good stretch in your shoulders. Make sure to keep your elbows near the wall the entire time.


2. T Push-ups

While push-ups are typically associated with upper-body strength, they also help to strengthen your postural muscles as well! To get the most out of your push-ups, try doing them with your feet elevated on a bench or chair. This way, your posture will be forced to stay straight and aligned, which will help to improve your posture and make your upper body look more toned over time. You can do these on your knees or with your feet on the ground, but for the most benefit, try to do them with your feet elevated the way I just described.


3. Chair Dips

If you struggle with your posture and have issues with your shoulders rolling forward, then you might want to try doing chair dips to help strengthen your chest and shoulders. These can be done either in a chair or on the ground and can be done several times a week to improve your posture and get rid of that slouched look! Advertising These are done just like they sound: simply sit on a chair with your hands on the edge and your legs out in front of you, then lower yourself towards the ground as far as you can go before pressing yourself back up.


4. Wide Grip Pull-ups

If you want to target the backs of your shoulders and improve your posture, then you should try some wide-grip pull-ups! To do these, all you’ll need is a bar that you can hang on to. You can make use of a pull-up bar or a tree branch, or even a sturdy door frame if you’ve got the upper-body strength to pull yourself up! If you don’t have a bar to hang on to, you can try doing these on a doorway pull-up bar or rowing machine if you’ve got one!


5. Bent Over Row

For an exercise that will build your back muscles, improve your posture, and even help to strengthen your core, try doing some bent-over rows! To do these, you’ll want to use either a barbell or a dumbbell. You can do these either in a gym or in your own home - wherever you feel more comfortable! For the best results, try doing these with your back near parallel to the ground and with your palms facing towards your shins. This will help with the posture aspects of the exercise and will help you to target your back muscles and core!


6. Plank with Leg Lift

If you’re struggling with a slumped posture, you may have an imbalance in your core strength that you need to work on. To help work out that core, try doing some planks with leg lifts! For this exercise, you’ll want to start in the traditional plank position but with your feet on an elevated surface like a chair or even a couch. Make sure to keep your back and head aligned with your body the whole time and to hold the plank for a few seconds longer than you usually would.


7. Shoulder Rollovers

If you want to improve your posture and get rid of any back pain you may be dealing with, try doing some shoulder rollovers! These are really simple exercises to do at home and can help to ease back pain and improve your posture. They’re also really good for helping to reduce stress, too! For this exercise, all you need to do is lie face down on the floor with your legs and arms out straight and with your palms facing down towards the floor. Then, one at a time, roll your shoulders and upper back off the floor and back down again.


8. Rotational Jumping Jacks

If your posture is a bit wonky and you’ve got some extra time on your hands, you can try doing some jumping jacks to help improve your posture and also get your blood flowing! To do these, all you need to do is jump straight out to the side and then back towards the middle, then jump straight out to the other side and back towards the middle again. As you do this, remember to keep your core tight and to try to keep your knees from going past your toes.


Summing up

Posture is communication and physical health all in one. It is a non-verbal communication that can tell others how you feel about yourself and how you feel about them. As women, we all have different reasons for wanting to improve our posture. Some may want to look better in their clothes. Others may want to feel more confident in the workplace. Whatever your reason may be, these simple exercises can help you get there! 

From strengthening your chest muscles to improving your core strength, these exercises are effective for improving posture. And if you’re looking for an extra boost towards better posture, why not try wearing a posture corrector? They’re not only comfortable, but they help to improve your posture and make you feel more confident in any outfit you choose. Visit Womenwire.com to learn more about health and lifestyle practices to bring out the best in you.

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