Effective Clean and Care Hacks For Leather Purses

Editor: Shubhankar Sen on Jan 24,2025
Photo process of cleaning leather products.


Keeping leather clean, conditioned, and cared for isn’t as hard as you might think. Leather is a solid material that can withstand heavy usage and abuse, but it needs careful maintenance to stay in peak condition. Cleaning your leather purse or other leather items regularly and conditioning it with the right products will help keep it looking great for longer. If you love your leather purse or other leather items, take good care of them, and they’ll last you longer. Your leather products will only require minimal upkeep in terms of cleaning, conditioning, and maintenance. If taken care of correctly, your leather bag will look brand new for years to come.


Cleaning Your Leather Purse

Cleaning your leather goods is the first step to caring for them properly. You may only need to clean your leather goods once every couple of months, or you may need to do it more often, depending on how often you use them. Keeping your leather clean not only helps to prevent stains but also makes the leather last longer. Some of the best cleaning products for cleaning leather include: 

  • Cleaning wipes: Cleaning wipes are great for cleaning small areas of your leather goods. You can keep these in your purse or bag for quick clean-ups whenever you need them. 
  • Leather cleaners: A gentle leather cleaner can be used to clean your leather items if they get very dirty. Make sure to follow the cleaning instructions on the bottle for the particular leather item you are cleaning. 
  • Mild soaps: Mild soaps can also be used to clean leather goods, but you should only use them on very dirty items. Avoid using soaps on delicate leather items like wallets.

Leather Conditioner and Protector

You can condition your leather goods to help them last longer, but it’s also a good idea to protect them with a protective layer. A quality leather conditioner will clean and condition your leather while also protecting it from water and stains. If you have an antique or delicate leather item, avoid using a conditioner that has oils or waxes in it. 

Applying a leather protector will seal your leather and help keep it from drying out and fading. You can also use a leather protector on new leather items to protect them from scuff marks and drying out too quickly. If your leather item has been exposed to water (such as a leather handbag on a rainy day), you’ll need to condition it again to restore the leather to normal.


Dry Shampoo on Leather

If you have a suede leather item, you can use dry shampoo to clean the item. Be careful not to get the suede item too wet as it is a delicate material. Dry shampoo is also a great way to clean suede items that can’t be washed. For best results, use a soft brush to gently scrub the dirt from your leather item. You can also use a dry cleaning cloth or a soft cloth to remove dust and dirt from your leather purse. Avoid using paper towels as they can leave lint behind. If there are stubborn stains on your leather purse, you can try using a small amount of bleach on the stain. Make sure the bleach won't harm the leather by testing it on a discrete spot first.

Dry cleaning business concept.

Leather Shines

If your leather needs a quick shine, there are lots of products you can use to quickly buff the item to a shine. Some people even use regular old toothpaste on their leather goods. If your item has a protective layer on it, be sure not to scrub too hard, or you might remove the shine. Your item should shine with just a quick wipe with a soft cloth. If you want to clean your leather and also get it to shine, you can mix some dish soap and water together. To simultaneously clean and shine your leather item, use a soft cloth or sponge.


Protecting Zips with Vaseline

If your item has a zipper, you might want to protect it from getting stuck and becoming difficult to open and close. Applying a bit of Vaseline to the zipper will help it glide much more easily. You can also apply some Vaseline to the teeth of the zipper to help keep them from becoming caught in the leather. If your leather is stained, you can try using baking soda to remove the stains. After applying baking soda to the discoloration, leave it alone for a few hours. Once the baking soda dries, sweep it away, and the stain should be gone with it.


Dry Wiping Your Leather Purse or Tote

We suggest that you follow these instructions if you want to keep your leather bag clean. First, unzip all the pockets and remove any items inside them. Next, take your bag outside and give it a good shake to remove any loose dirt or dust. If the outside of the bag is extremely unclean, you can also clean it with a fresh towel. Finally, clean the interior of the bag with a soft cloth. If you have a suede bag, you can also use a soft, dry cloth to clean the inside of the bag. You can also gently wipe the outside of the bag with a clean, dry cloth.


What is the Best Way to Clean a Leather Purse?

Taking your leather purse outside, giving it a good shake, and wiping it down are the finest ways to clean it. Be sure to use a clean cloth or sponge to wipe the inside of the bag as well. If there are certain stains on the outside of your bag that you can’t wipe away easily, you can try using mild soap and warm water. Be careful not to soak the bag too much or leave it sitting in water for too long, as this can damage the leather. 

If your leather bag is stained or doesn’t smell very good, you can try sponging the inside of the bag with water and a small amount of soap. You can then wipe the bag clean with a clean sponge or cloth. It’s important to let the bag air out completely before you put items back in it to prevent the smell from coming back. If your bag still smells bad after cleaning it, you might want to consider using a leather cleaner or spray to clean and condition the bag.


Bottom Line

Cleaning your leather goods regularly and using the right products will help keep them looking good for longer. You can use a gentle cleanser or mild soap to clean your bag and wipe it down with a soft cloth afterward. You can use a soft cloth or sponge to clean the inside of the bag as well. 

If your bag is stained, you can try sponging the inside of the bag with water and a small amount of soap. Be sure to let the bag air out completely before you put items back in it to prevent the smell from coming back. You can also use a leather cleaner or spray to clean and condition the bag. Visit Womenwire.com to learn more about maintaining and cleaning your favorite leather items.

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