5 Tips for Your Post Pregnancy Return to Fitness

Author: Shubhankar Sen on Sep 08,2022
ww Post Pregnancy Return to Fitness


After having a baby, it can feel like there's no time to exercise, and you might not even feel like doing it. But post-pregnancy exercise is important for your health and the health of your new little one. We know how challenging it can be to get back into the groove after giving birth, but the sooner you do it, the sooner you will see results. 

Exercising after pregnancy helps to shed excess fat, reduce stress, strengthen muscles, and improve posture. And if all these benefits weren't enough, working out after pregnancy also has a positive impact on your relationship with your partner — improved intimacy grows from being more comfortable in your own skin again. Working out also reduces stress and helps heal faster after the delivery process.


Which workouts to do and which to skip?

What Exercises to Avoid: You should avoid doing sit-ups, leg raises, and crunches, as well as exercises that put too much pressure on your abdomens, such as leg lifts and push-ups. 

What Exercises to Include: A good way to incorporate strength training into your post-pregnancy workout routine is to do squats, lunges, and leg lifts. You can also do pelvic tilts, which are great for your pelvic floor. These workouts can be performed at home or in a gym. You can also do simple exercises with a resistance band to strengthen your core, such as side bends, front lifts, and pulls.


5 Tips for Post Pregnancy Exercise

Before you even think about getting pregnant, it's essential to maintain a fitness routine and eat a healthy diet. This will improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy and increase your chances of having a smooth post-pregnancy return to fitness. Post-pregnancy exercise should not be an exception. In fact, keeping active will make recovery faster, easier, and more pleasant for you. The sooner you get back in the gym after delivery, the sooner you'll notice positive changes in your body and general well-being. If you have just given birth, starting with some easy home exercises is a great way to begin your journey back to healthier living once again. Let's cover your journey back to fitness with these 5 tips:


1. Start Exercising During Your Pregnancy

Exercising during your pregnancy can help you to stay fit and healthy. Exercising during your pregnancy is safe and very beneficial for both you and your baby. It's especially important to start exercising during your pregnancy if you haven't been exercising before. Regular exercise during pregnancy has been shown to reduce the risk of complications and help you to have a smoother birth. 

  • Your Postpartum Journey - Exercising during your pregnancy will help you to get back into shape after giving birth. In order to begin caring for yourself and your newborn baby, it's crucial to get your body back in shape as soon as possible. And exercising during your pregnancy can also help you get back into shape after you have given birth. If you have a C-section, you can start exercising sooner than if you have a natural birth. 
  • Bonding Time - Exercising during your pregnancy is a good way to spend bonding time with your baby. While working out, you can bring your infant along. Exercising is not just good for you but also for your baby. 
  • Good for Your Health - Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy and promote a healthy delivery. It can also help reduce the risk of developing gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, and other complications related to pregnancy. 
  • Good for baby' health - Regular exercise can help promote the healthy and normal development of your baby. Exercising during pregnancy is good for both you and your baby. 
  • Positive Effects - Exercising during pregnancy has been shown to have many positive effects. It can help you to maintain a healthy weight and blood pressure, reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia, promote a normal delivery and reduce the risk of cesarean section.


2. Incorporate Strength Training

Post-pregnancy, you'll want to focus on strength training and not just cardiovascular exercise. Cardio gets your heart rate up and burns calories, but it doesn't build up muscle. When you are pregnant, your muscles are already fatigued, and they will get even weaker after the baby is born. Strength training can help to strengthen the muscles in your core, back, and arms and will be very beneficial after delivery when your core and back are extremely weak. Your core and back are responsible for keeping you balanced and upright, so having strong muscles there is essential for both your health and the health of your baby. 

Post-pregnancy, your pelvic floor is already going to be weak and needs to be strengthened. Strengthening your pelvic floor before and after giving birth can help to improve bladder control and reduce the risk of developing prolapse. By performing Kegel exercises, which are essentially just pressing and releasing the muscles responsible for holding your pelvic organs in place, you can strengthen your pelvic floor.


3. Find an Exercise You Enjoy

While it's important to find an exercise you enjoy, it's also important to find one that's right for you. You will have more motivation to stick to your routine if you enjoy the exercises and if they are at the right level for you. If you're not sure where to start, look for an exercise class for new parents. You can also ask your doctor what types of exercises would be best for you or use a prenatal fitness app to help guide you along the way. Even if you don't feel like you're capable of exercising, don't give up! After giving birth, it may take you up to six months to return to your previous level of fitness.


4. Plan Ahead and Stick to a Routine

It can be easy to get distracted when you're a new parent, so it's important to plan ahead and stick to a routine. Try to fit exercise into your routine and make it an important part of your day, even if it's just a 20-minute workout. It can be beneficial to establish a routine that works for you, but it's also crucial to be adaptable and alter your schedule as necessary. If you find that you're not getting enough time for exercise, try to make adjustments to your schedule so you can find more time for it. You might also want to consider joining a parent and baby exercise class or hiring a personal trainer if you're having a hard time staying motivated or finding time for exercise.


5. Watch What You Eat and Drink

It's important to eat a healthy diet while exercising after pregnancy, as it's a way to help your body recover after giving birth. It's especially important to eat a lot of protein, drink plenty of water, and avoid sugary or caffeine-loaded drinks. Additionally, it's crucial to maintain a nutritious diet while you're expecting to ensure that you're getting the nutrients your unborn child needs to flourish. It's also important to avoid certain foods while exercising after pregnancy. Alcohol, for example, can dehydrate you and make it harder for your body to recover. It can also negatively impact your baby's growth during pregnancy.



Exercising after pregnancy can help you to shed excess fat and improve your overall health. It can also help your partner to feel more comfortable in their own skin again after having a baby, and it can reduce stress between you and your partner. Exercising after pregnancy is important for your health and the health of your new little one. You should try to get back into an exercise routine as soon as possible following the birth of your child. Start small and build up, and make it a part of your daily routine. Visit Womenwire.com for more information related to post-pregnancy healthcare and more.