woman and her mother celebrating mothers day-Womenwire

Celebrating International Mother's Day: Honoring Our Mom

International Mother's Day is a special day celebrated annually on the second Sunday of May to honor and appreciate mothers worldwide. This day recognizes and celebrates the immeasurable contribution of mothers to their families, communities, and society as a whole. It is a day to acknowledge the love, care, and sacrifices that mothers make every day for their children and families.The history of Mother's Day can be traced back to the ancient Greek and Roman cultures, where mothers were revered and honored with festivals dedicated to them. However, modern-day Mother's Day has its roots in the United States, where it was first celebrated in 1908 by Anna Jarvis to honor her mother's contributions to society.Since then, the celebration has grown in popularity and is now observed in various countries worldwide, although on different dates. On this day, people express their love and gratitude to their mothers through cards, gifts, and special activities. It is also an occasion to recognize the challenges that mothers face, such as balancing work and family responsibilities, and to advocate for policies that support mothers and families.International Mother's Day is a day to celebrate the invaluable role of mothers in society and to appreciate the selflessness and love that they bring to the world. The Role of Mothers in Society Mothers have played a vital role in society since the beginning of human history. Their role goes beyond childbirth and nurturing and extends to shaping the very fabric of society. From instilling values and morals in their children to contributing to the economy and advocating for social change, the role of mothers in society cannot be overstated.The first and most obvious role of mothers is that of nurturing and caring for their children. Mothers are the primary caregivers for infants and young children, responsible for feeding, bathing, and ensuring their safety and well-being. This role continues as children grow older, with mothers providing emotional support and guidance through adolescence and into adulthood. The love, care, and attention provided by mothers are essential for the healthy development of children and can have long-lasting effects on their lives.In addition to their role as caregivers, mothers also contribute significantly to the economy. The rise of working mothers has led to an increase in women's participation in the workforce, resulting in economic growth and development. Mothers work in a variety of fields, from medicine and law to business and technology. They bring unique skills and perspectives to the workplace and have made significant contributions to various industries.  Mothers have also been at the forefront of advocating for social change. From the suffragette movement to the civil rights movement, mothers have played a crucial role in fighting for equal rights and opportunities. Mothers have also been instrumental in advocating for policies that support families, such as parental leave and affordable childcare. They have used their voices and platforms to effect change in their communities and beyond.Moreover, mothers play a significant role in shaping the values and morals of their children. They are responsible for teaching their children right from wrong and instilling values such as kindness, empathy, and respect. Mothers are also responsible for passing on cultural traditions and beliefs, ensuring that they are preserved and passed down to future generations.It is not just the immediate family that benefits from the role of mothers in society. The benefits of maternal care extend to society as a whole. Studies have shown that maternal care leads to better health outcomes for children, including reduced rates of illness and disease. This, in turn, leads to reduced healthcare costs and a healthier population overall.Mothers also play a role in creating and maintaining social connections. They are often the primary social network for their families, fostering relationships with extended family, friends, and neighbors. These social connections help to create a sense of community and provide support in times of need.  Significance of International Mothers Day International Mother's Day is a day dedicated to celebrating and honoring mothers around the world. The day is significant because it provides an opportunity to acknowledge the essential role that mothers play in society and to express gratitude for their love, care, and sacrifice.One of the most significant aspects of International Mother's Day is its universality. The day is celebrated in many countries around the world, providing an opportunity to recognize the importance of mothers across cultures and borders. It serves as a reminder that the love, care, and nurturing provided by mothers are universal human experiences.Another important aspect of International Mother's Day is the opportunity it provides to express gratitude and appreciation for the many sacrifices that mothers make. Mothers often put their children's needs before their own, sacrificing their time, energy, and resources to ensure that their children have the best possible start in life. The day provides an opportunity to say thank you to these amazing women and to acknowledge the important role they play in shaping the future of society.  International Mother's Day is also significant because it highlights the challenges that many mothers face. Mothers face unique challenges, such as balancing work and family responsibilities, dealing with societal pressures and expectations, and advocating for policies that support families. The day provides an opportunity to raise awareness of these challenges and to advocate for policies that support mothers and families.Finally, International Mother's Day is significant because it provides an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of motherhood. Mothers come in many different forms, including biological mothers, adoptive mothers, foster mothers, stepmothers, and other mother figures. The day provides an opportunity to celebrate the unique contributions of each of these types of mothers and to recognize the importance of each in shaping the lives of children and society as a whole. Conclusion International Mother's Day is a special occasion that provides an opportunity to recognize and appreciate the incredible contributions that mothers make to society. From providing love and care to their children to shaping the future of society, mothers play an essential role in the lives of individuals and communities. The day serves as a reminder that the love and nurturing that mothers provide are universal human experiences, and it provides an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of motherhood. Whether we are celebrating our own mothers, mother figures, or the role of mothers in society as a whole, International Mother's Day is a chance to express gratitude, raise awareness, and honor the selflessness and dedication of the women who have devoted their lives to caring for others.

ww maternity essentials for mom

Maternity Essentials for First-Time Moms: What You'll Need

  Maternity is a time when your body will undergo many changes. And while it can be exciting, it can also be quite nerve-wracking as a new mom-to-be. You are now responsible for another person's life, and that in itself is an overwhelming experience. There is so much to consider and prepare for when you find out that you're pregnant with a baby. Your everyday life will certainly be filled with stress and panic at times, but all of this is natural.  After all, you are growing a human being inside of you! The most important thing about being pregnant is to remain calm and take everything one step at a time. Preparing for your little bundle of joy doesn't have to be as stressful as most people make it sound; with the right preparation, it can actually be enjoyable and exciting! Here are some helpful tips on what you'll need during your pregnancy:   What You'll Need for Morning Sickness Morning sickness is usually experienced during the first trimester of pregnancy. The culprit behind it is the increased hormone levels in your body. During their first trimester, it is thought that about 60% of pregnant women feel nausea and vomiting, and this percentage is similar for those expecting twins. It can be a real nuisance for some women but for the most part. It is a normal part of pregnancy.    1. Maternity Bra and Panty During your pregnancy, you will experience some changes in your breast size and also notice some dark patches of skin called "mammary hyperpigmentation" appearing in your breasts. These are all normal occurrences and happen to all pregnant women. You may feel that your usual bra no longer works for you, but you don't want to walk around during your pregnancy without a bra.  There are several types of maternity bras available in the market for you to choose from. You should make sure that you are wearing a maternity bra at all times, even when you are sleeping. This will help you avoid infections and also provide extra support to your growing breasts. You can also try to change your underwear and opt for a maternity panties instead. This will provide you with extra support and comfort.   2. Prenatal Vitamins During pregnancy, your body will undergo many changes, and this will require you to take certain vitamins and supplements in order to remain healthy. One of the most important supplements that you will need is a prenatal vitamin. This vitamin is a combination of folic acid, iron, and calcium and will be a great help to you throughout your pregnancy.  The prenatal vitamin is a very important supplement that you must take every day. This will help your body to grow your baby and make you stronger and healthier. It will also help to keep away any diseases and complications that can occur during pregnancy. You can visit your doctor to discuss prenatal vitamins before you become pregnant. Your doctor can prescribe the right dosage for you.   3. Bedding and Pillows Before your baby arrives, it is best to take some time to prepare a safe and comfortable bed for you and your baby. The first thing that you should do is check the quality of your mattress. You should put up a new mattress that is firm and has excellent support. This will help reduce the pressure on your back, legs, and hips. You can also put a mattress topper on your mattress to provide extra comfort.  Another important thing that you should remember is to keep your bed clean and fresh by changing the sheets and pillowcases in between and also keep the room clean. If you are a smoker or drink alcohol regularly, having a cigarette or alcohol smell on your pillow can be very harmful to your baby. There are also some other ways that you can keep your bed clean and fresh. You can put bedsheets and pillows inside garbage bags and then vacuum them to keep them clean and fresh.   4. Maternity Clothing You may have heard that you should wear loose clothing during your pregnancy. However, this is only part of the story. The truth is that you should actually wear clothes that are made for pregnant women. When you are pregnant, the ligaments in your pelvic area loosen up, and this is why you experience frequent back pain. Wearing loose clothes can make the pain worse. Maternity clothing is designed to provide you with extra support and protection.  Maternity leggings are a great choice to wear during the colder weather. They are extremely comfortable and provide warmth. You can also opt for maternity dresses, tops, and jackets that will be stylish and comfortable at the same time. If you are worried about the price, don't be. Maternity clothing is not that expensive compared to regular clothing.   5. Shoes for Maternity Maternity shoes will provide you with extra comfort and support while you are pregnant. Maternity shoes are designed to provide extra space in the toes and are wider than regular shoes. They are also lightweight and have a wide and comfortable heel. You can also opt for flip-flops and sandals as they are more comfortable than regular shoes, and you can walk around freely.   6. Baby Essentials There are a few items that you will need to have around the house before your baby arrives. These will include a baby sound machine, a baby swing, a baby bouncer, a baby monitor, and a baby bathtub. A baby sound machine is a great way to soothe and calm your baby down and make your life a little easier. You can play white noise or some calming music to soothe your baby down. A baby swing is a great place for a baby to relax and take a nap. The baby can watch the mobile or play with the toys while they are in the swing.  A baby bouncer is a great alternative to a baby swing. You can put your baby in the bouncer while you are cleaning the house or cooking. A baby monitor is a great way to keep an eye on your baby while they are in another room or in the house. You can also use it to keep an eye on your older children if they are in the same room. A baby bathtub is a great way to keep your baby clean and safe. It is important to keep your baby clean and free of bacteria and dirt.   7. Birthing Classes Birthing classes are very useful for both the mom and the partner. They are a great way to prepare for the birth of your baby, and it is also a great chance for your partner to learn about what goes on during the birth of a baby. Birthing classes are usually offered by hospitals and birthing centers. You can also opt for an online course if you are too busy to attend a class in person.   8. Maternity Snacks Pregnant women are usually always hungry. This is because the body is always growing and requires more nutrients, vitamins, and minerals than before. Therefore, you should always have a healthy snack with you so that you can avoid overeating. A few good options to try are granola bars, nuts, almonds, dried fruits, dark chocolate, trail mix, or any kind of yogurt. These are great options since they are easy to carry in your bag and consume while you're out.   Conclusion Pregnancy is the most beautiful thing in the world. It is a time to cherish and remember for the rest of your life. It is important to stay healthy and strong throughout this journey. Being prepared for pregnancy is very important as it will help reduce stress and anxiety. There will be many changes in your body, and you will experience many new sensations. It is important to stay calm and relaxed throughout this journey. Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, and you should embrace it. Visit Womenwire.com for more information regarding pregnancy fashion and comfort necessities.

ww Kids Have Tantrums

Why Do Kids Have Tantrums and Here's What You Can Do

  ‍Kids have tantrums—whether we like it or not. It’s a natural consequence of their growing up and developing as an individual. These outbursts can be frustrating for parents, as they are often unexpected and inconvenient because they interrupt our day instantly. But what is really going on inside the head of our child when they are throwing a tantrum? Tantrums are a form of non-verbal communication that your child uses to get what they want. They’re also a sign that something is probably going on under the surface that you need to pay attention to. Read here to learn more about why kids have tantrums and what you should do when they do.   What to Know About Tantrums A tantrum is a sudden outburst of uncontrollable and disruptive behavior. These outbursts can happen at any age but are most common among young children aged 2-6 years old. A toddler might have a tantrum when they don’t get what they want or when they feel overwhelmed. Though tantrums are common, they are usually temporary, and most children outgrow them by age 5.  A tantrum may look like uncontrollable behavior, but it’s important to understand that kids aren’t actually out of control when they’re having a tantrum. Tantrums are a form of non-verbal communication in which your child expresses their emotions through screaming, crying, and flailing. They are not trying to be defiant and get attention. Rather, they are trying to communicate something important and feel helpless without words.   Why do kids have tantrums? There are multiple reasons why kids have tantrums, and parents can help identify and address the root cause of these outbursts by understanding what might be going on inside their child’s head.  Low frustration tolerance: Some kids are simply impatient and have difficulty tolerating the level of frustration that is an inevitable part of all learning.  Immaturity: Young children don’t have the same level of impulse control as adults do. They also haven’t yet learned to look at the world through a logical or rational lens.  Overstimulation: Certain environments or experiences can be overwhelming for kids, such as too much noise, too many people, or not having enough breaks during long periods of play.  Too much pressure: Kids can feel pressure to perform or behave a certain way, especially when they are under the watchful eyes of adults.  Lack of a healthy outlet: Kids are constantly exploring and expressing themselves in different ways, but they may not have a healthy outlet for their emotions.   How to Respond When Your Child Has a Tantrum Stay Calm: Your child is looking to you for cues on how to respond to the situation. If you stay calm, your child is less likely to escalate the situation.  Give your child space to work through the tantrum: Let them know you are there, and you understand that they are upset, but make sure not to get too close or touch them unless they ask you to.  Remain firm: Avoid giving in to your child’s demands or asking other people to change their expectations of your child. This will only reinforce the tantrum behavior and make it harder to stop in the long term. Be patient: This is a phase that will pass, so try not to get discouraged.  Be consistent: Establishing rules and expectations for your child’s behavior early on is the best way to get them to stop having tantrums.   The Main Reasons Behind Kids’ Tantrums Kids tend to throw temper tantrums when they don’t get their own way, when they want something they can’t have, or when they are frustrated by something they can’t do. Tantrums are natural, normal, and, most of all – expected. You don’t need to be a parenting expert or have a Ph.D. in child psychology to know the reasons behind your child’s temper tantrums, but it’s good to know what’s happening inside their little heads. Tantrums are a way for your child to communicate their needs, desires, and frustrations to you. Tantrums are not something to be afraid of. They are something natural, normal, and expected. Low frustration tolerance: Some kids are simply impatient and have difficulty tolerating the level of frustration that is an inevitable part of all learning.  Immaturity: Young children don’t have the same level of impulse control as adults do. They also haven’t yet learned to look at the world through a logical or rational lens.  Overstimulation: Certain environments or experiences can be overwhelming for kids, such as too much noise, too many people, or not having enough breaks during long periods of play.  Too much pressure: Kids can feel pressure to perform or behave a certain way, especially when they are under the watchful eyes of adults.   Strategies For Handling Your Child’s Tantrums Tantrums are a normal part of child development. They are a sign that your child is learning how to communicate his desires and needs. However, tantrums can be very stressful for both you and your child. There are a few things that you can do to ease the tension and help your child through the tantrum. Stay calm. You are modeling your child’s behavior, so make sure that you are setting a positive example. Learn to recognize your child’s triggers. Every child has things that cause him to throw a tantrum. You might be able to avoid the situation in the future. Give your child choices whenever possible. Children feel more in control when they have a say in their activities. Your child is looking to you for cues on how to respond to the situation. If you stay calm, your child is less likely to escalate the situation.  Give your child space to work through the tantrum. Let them know you are there, and you understand that they are upset, but make sure not to get too close or touch them unless they ask you to. Avoid giving in to your child’s demands or asking other people to change their expectations of your child. This will only reinforce the tantrum behavior and make it harder to stop in the long term. This is a phase that will pass, so try not to get discouraged.  Establishing rules and expectations for your child’s behavior early on is the best way to get them to stop having tantrums.   Conclusion Kids have tantrums—whether we like it or not. It’s a natural consequence of their growing up and developing as an individual. These outbursts can be frustrating for parents, as they are often unexpected and inconvenient because they interrupt our day instantly. But what is really going on inside the head of our child when they are throwing a tantrum? Tantrums are a form of non-verbal communication that your child uses to get what they want.  They’re also a sign that something is probably going on under the surface that you need to pay attention to. Are your expectations of your child too high? Are they tired or hungry? Has something happened at school or with a friend that they need to process? If you can identify the trigger for your child’s tantrum, you can respond with more compassion and understanding. Follow the above tips and advice to ensure that you interact with them the right way and give them all the help they need to get. Visit Womenwire.com to learn more about how to raise your children and be the best mom you can be.

womenwire Grandma Home Remedies

Grandma Home Remedies: Lesser-Known Beauty Tips For You

  We all want to look young and beautiful. There's nothing more appealing than a person who radiates confidence, youthfulness, and vitality. However, with the fast pace of life these days, it can be challenging to maintain that youthful glow. That is why there are so many home beauty remedies to help you look younger and more beautiful without spending a lot of money on expensive treatments or cosmetics.  These grandma beauty tips might seem a bit strange at first glance, but they have been used for centuries as natural ways to help you look younger and feel healthier. The next time you think you look older than you feel, try one (or all) of these natural home remedies for an instant refresh.   Reduce dark circles with lemon and egg white The most common cause of dark circles beneath the eyes is hyperpigmentation, which occurs when melanin buildup results in skin discoloration. Though largely genetic, dark circles can also be caused by lack of sleep, changes in hormone levels, and aging. But don't fret; there are some simple home remedies you can use to reduce dark circles. One of the best remedies is to apply a mixture of fresh lemon juice and egg white to the under-eye area.  The reason lemon juice is so helpful in reducing dark circles is that it contains citric acid, which is a natural bleaching agent. The citric acid in lemon juice will help remove the discoloration caused by the melanin in the skin. The egg white in this remedy is excellent at tightening the skin and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.   Grow taller with onion juice The next time you want to grow a bit taller, all you need is one of the best home remedies for growing taller — onion juice! Drinking a glass of fresh onion juice every day will help increase your height naturally by up to 2 inches! Well, that's not all; onion juice is also great for improving your immunity, reducing cholesterol, getting rid of cough and cold, and healing many other health ailments as well. What's more, it tastes great in salads and sandwiches! So, mix a few chopped onions in a blender, add a bit of water, and drink the juice daily with a dash of salt and pepper for the best results.   Make your hair shiny again with eggs If you want shiny, healthy hair, you must try this one of the best home remedies for hair — egg yolk! Yes, it's true that adding a few eggs (especially the yolk) to your hair will make it as shiny and healthy as ever. Eggs are full of protein, and protein is an important building block for healthy hair. So, if your hair is dry, brittle, or has lost its shine, try this home remedy to get it back to its old glory. Eggs are also great for conditioning the hair, so this is a great trick for those who are coloring their hair and want to keep their locks shiny.   Get rid of pesky pimples with baking soda If you have stubborn pimples on your face or any other body part that just won't go away, try this home remedy for pimples — baking soda! Yes, baking soda is one of the best home remedies for pimples. Baking soda is excellent for removing impurities from your skin and drying up any pimples that you already have. It will also help keep your face hydrated, which is very important when you're trying to get rid of pimples. Baking soda also has antiseptic properties that will prevent infection and other side effects. To use the paste as a face scrub, simply combine one tablespoon of baking soda with water. Before washing it off, let it sit for approximately 10 minutes.   Brighten your complexion with yogurt and orange juice If your skin is looking dull and tired, you can use this awesome home remedy to make it look fresh and healthy again — plain yogurt mixed with orange juice! Yes, it's true; plain yogurt is a fantastic all-natural solution to clear up blemishes, improve the appearance of dark spots, and lessen the effects of sun damage. Lactic acid, which is present in large quantities in yogurt, is excellent for exfoliating and eliminating dead skin cells from your face. And orange juice is a fantastic source of vitamin C, which is also terrific for bringing out the color of your skin. Combine the two ingredients with a bit of turmeric — a super anti-inflammatory herb — and you have a powerful trio for improving your skin.   Tired feet? Try this! If your feet are tired, try this simple home remedy to get them feeling fresh again — foot soaking with vinegar! Yes, a soak in vinegar is a great way to relax your feet and feel energized again. You can add a tablespoon of vinegar to a basin of warm water and soak your feet in it for about 20 minutes. Vinegar helps cleanse the soles of your feet as well as soften your skin. Soaking your tired feet in vinegar is particularly good at reducing foot odor, which is a common problem for those who spend a lot of time on their feet.   Foot soaking with vinegar The next time your feet are tired, try this simple home remedy for tired feet — foot soaking with vinegar! This home remedy for tired feet is very simple to do. Simply place your feet in the warm water with a tablespoon of vinegar and let them soak for 20 minutes. Vinegar is a very effective home remedy for tired feet. Soaking your tired feet in vinegar not only helps cleanse the soles of your feet but also softens your skin. Vinegar is very effective at reducing foot odor, which is a common problem for those who spend a lot of time on their feet.   Body brushing with orange juice If you want to have glowing, healthy skin, you need to do this one of the best home remedies for glowing skin — body brushing with orange juice! Yes, this is one of the best home remedies for glowing skin, as oranges are rich in vitamin C. Orange juice is a great exfoliating agent, which will help remove dead skin cells and unclog your pores. It will also help moisturize your skin and stimulate blood flow, giving you a healthy, glowing complexion. You can do this quick body brushing with orange juice once a week to improve your skin texture and tone.   DIY face mask with egg yolk and tomato If you want healthy and glowing skin, you must try this awesome face mask — egg yolk and tomato! Yes, it's true that this is one of the best home remedies for the face — a simple homemade face mask that is excellent for your skin! Egg yolk is full of vitamins and minerals, which are excellent for nourishing your skin. It is also a powerful exfoliator and helps remove dead skin cells. Tomato is also rich in vitamins and minerals, which are excellent for improving your skin's health. So, when you combine the two ingredients, you have a powerful duo for improving your complexion. Egg yolk and tomato are both excellent for removing dark spots and sun damage and improving your skin's texture. This face mask is best for normal to oily skin types.   Conclusion This article reveals that grandma beauty tips are as effective as ever. These home remedies are easy and cheap and will definitely help you look younger and feel better! So, why wait? Get a fresh lease on life by trying these tips today! Visit Womenwire.com to learn more about effective health and beauty-related home remedies for women.

ww Co-Parenting Communication Tools

How to Communicate With Your Co-Parent: Tips for New Moms

  As a new mom, you may feel like your life is suddenly filled with people you barely know and can't trust: Your partner probably has a completely different perspective on what's happening right now. Your parents, who live far away, are offering you advice on raising your child that sounds outdated and irrelevant. And this new person in your life - the co-parent of your child - is someone you've only met a few times but aren't really close to. How do you build a trusting relationship when all the usual support systems have vanished?  Perhaps the most crucial aspect of any relationship, especially one when there are so many new things to learn, is communication. To comprehend one another's viewpoints and requirements, you and your co-parent must be able to speak properly. In order to strengthen your communication with each other, here are some tips to keep in mind:   Be honest and clear from the start It's easy to get caught up in the emotions of a new relationship and unintentionally mislead your co-parent about what you need from the relationship and what you expect from them. If you aren't clear from the beginning about your expectations and your desires for the situation, it can make things a lot more complicated down the road.  For example, if you want to move to a shared custody arrangement, but your co-parent is hoping to have the child full-time, you may be inadvertently setting up disappointment. Starting the conversation with a clear tone can be achieved by asking oneself a few important questions. What do you hope to get out of this relationship? What are your expectations of the co-parent? What are your boundaries? You want to be honest but also mindful that some of your feelings may be influenced by hormones or sleep deprivation.   Check in with each other regularly You may feel like the communication has been "done" and that everything is set in stone. However, as time passes, boundaries can change, needs can change, and perspectives may shift. For example, if you first agree to have your co-parent visit on weekends, but then a new job or school schedule changes things, you need to be able to communicate about that without it becoming a conflict.   Communicate in writing whenever possible Whenever possible, communicate with your co-parent in writing (e-mail is especially helpful for long-distance relationships). Ask questions, listen to the other person's perspective, and take notes if necessary. Stay curious, and don't let the conversation turn into an argument. Stay calm and relaxed. When you're done talking, walk away feeling like you've accomplished something.  This helps you get everything out on the table without being too confrontational. Plus, if there is ever a disagreement, you'll have a written record of what was said, and by whom, so you don't need to rely on faulty memories.   Take time to build trust As you initiate communication with your co-parent, you want to do so with the understanding that it will take time to build a trusting relationship. With shared custody, you don't have the advantage of living with each other to build a relationship. You have to do it completely at a distance. Trust is something that is earned. It doesn't come instantly, but with time and consistent, reliable communication, you should be able to build a trustworthy relationship.  For example, if you and your co-parent are using a co-parenting app like Custody Bot, you can see when the other person is online and send a quick message saying hi or asking a question. You can also give your co-parent opportunities to prove that they're trustworthy by asking them to do small things for you or letting them know how you appreciate their efforts.   Communicate your ideas and needs without blame Communicating your ideas or needs to your co-parent doesn't mean you're "blaming" them for any perceived shortcomings in the relationship. You're simply stating your needs and desires so they know what they're working with and can make adjustments if necessary.  For example, if the communication between you and your co-parent is primarily via text, you may feel like you can't ask them to stop sending you photos of their child, even though those photos make you uncomfortable. However, if you start by saying, "I feel uncomfortable when you send photos of (your child's name) to me, can you please stop?", you give your co-parent the opportunity to make the adjustment themselves without feeling attacked.   Let go of the small stuff It's normal for there to be some significant areas of disagreement between you and your co-parent. Other things will be small things that will drive you crazy, like who is responsible for filling out the child support forms. However, you want to let go of the small stuff. You can't let the small, inconsequential things that you and your co-parent disagree over turn into a source of tension that could harm your child. Let go of the small stuff and focus on the big issues.   Set boundaries and stick to them Defining your boundaries is an important part of communication and trust. You want to communicate your boundaries to your co-parent, of course, but you also have to be willing to stick to them. That means if you say you don't want to be texted ten times a day, you have to let them know when they cross the line and stop doing it.   Take care of yourself You are the person who has to deal with all the stress of raising a child alone. You have the added pressure of maintaining a relationship with your co-parent. If you don't take time for yourself, you're going to burn out, and your relationship will suffer as a result. Find ways to relax and recharge that work for you. You might need some alone time, or you might need to be around other people. No matter what, don't forget to take care of yourself.   Always prioritize your children Building a trusting relationship with your co-parent is important, but it will all be for nothing if your children don't feel loved, supported, and safe. Your children need you to provide them with a consistent and stable environment. Communication is important, but you don't want to let it overshadow your children's needs. If you and your ex have a good relationship, and your kids are old enough to understand the concept of co-parenting, it's a good idea to let them in on the special time you spend with each other.  Letting your children know that you have a special "date" with your partner will not only make them feel special, but it will also help them to understand that their parents have needs, just like they do. Be sure to prioritize your relationship with your children, and don't let your co-parent get in the way of that.   Conclusion Many new mothers don't have the support system they had before they became pregnant: Their partners and their families are likely struggling with their own transitions. That's why communication is so important. It's the only way to know how your co-parent is doing and how you can help them. That's also why it's important to maintain your own relationships with friends and family who can support you and your child during this time.  Communicate with them, too, so that everyone has a full picture of what's happening in your life. You can start talking to your co-parent now that you are aware of how crucial it is to do so. Start by getting a sense of their emotions, expectations, and needs before moving on to your own. You can then make use of these suggestions to ensure that your communication is strong and efficient! Visit Womenwire.com to discover more tips and advice on how to be the best mom you can be.