Best Green Tea Time For Weight Loss

Today everyone knows that it is helpful to consume a little green tea when you are trying to drop the pounds. Green teahas been used for thousands of years and has many benefits. One of them is green tea’s thermo-genic properties. This means the green tea causes your metabolism to heat up, or consume fuel at a faster rate. The faster your metabolism, the more fuel it needs. We store fat as fuel for our body. Your metabolism, consuming fat at a faster rate, causes you to lose fat weight. Green tea also creates the feeling of fullness, making it a very effective appetite suppressant. When your body is no longer constantly craving foods, you can concentrate on healthier eating habits. A proponent in green tea called EGCG reduces the amount of lipids (fat) you absorb when you eat. This benefits your cholesterol level, causes weight loss and is very healthy for your heart. So once you decide to get the positive benefits, you will ask yourself the best timing to take green tea for the best result. Start Early Replace your morning coffee with some green tea. Green tea has caffeine, so it can give you a boost when starting off your mornings, but it can also kick-start your metabolism into action so that you burn more calories all day long. Try not to add too much filler to the tea, because things like sugar, honey and milk add calories that can counteract with the green tea’s weight-loss properties. Drink 2/3 Cups a Day There’s less caffeine than in a cup of Joe. This will also help you feel full. So drink a cup before or right after eating, so that you don’t eat too much. Do be aware that since green tea contains a diuretic, you may also be visiting the restroom more frequently – but that’s not necessarily a bad thing! Water weight counts on the scale, too. Stay Regular When you drink green tea regularly every day for several months as opposed to having off and on weeks, you experience extra weight loss benefits. The more you stick to it, the more it trains your body to absorb less fat in the long run. This is a good reason to keep drinking, even if you haven’t noticed a lot of benefits in the first couple of days. Some things simply take time, but are worth waiting for Talk to the Experienced In order to learn other new tips for how to lose weight with green tea, talk to people who have actually lost weight using the tea as a supplement. They may know little tricks and methods that can help your weight loss efforts. Make Green Tea the beginning Learning how to lose weight with green tea opens the doors to other good habits. Because green tea is such an effective appetite suppressant, your cravings for snacks and bad foods will be stopped. No longer controlled by food, you can control what foods you eat. Use this time to learn new and healthier ways of eating. Begin to replace foods high in fat and calories with foods that are better for you. If you reduce your caloric intake by just 500 calories a day, you will lose one pound a week! Your body will begin to feel more vigorous with smarter choices in balanced, healthy foods. Stretch out after Green Tea   Green tea does more than kick-start your metabolism. Green tea contains an amino L-theanine. This amino increases your brain wave activity, leading to a more focused, yet calm, piece of mind. Take advantage of this energy by taking a simple walk before starting your day. A simple walk every day can lose up to three pounds per month!

Effective Habits for a Flat Belly

  A flat tummy makes us look slimmer, more proportionate, taller and ultimately more attractive. And the clothes fit better too!As we grow older, our metabolism dips and more fat begins to accumulate around our waistline, giving us that ‘spare tyre’! But getting rid of belly fat is not just about appearances but belly fat is also dangerous as our overall health is concerned. Here are some diet guidelines that can greatly help in preventing and reducing belly fat   Avoid Processed Food and Added Sugar Choose whole fresh fruits over canned juices and water over soft drinks. Avoid bakery staples like cakes and cookies. Canned and packaged foods contain a lot of sodium and very less fiber and nutrients. Excess sodium retains more water, puffing up your belly. Stay away from sugar substitutes as well, they are only partially digested by your body.   Control Alcohol Intake   Alcohol makes your body burn 36% less fat than it normally would, thus hurting your metabolism further. When you drink, the liver works overtime to burn alcohol instead of fat, giving rise to terms like ‘Beer Belly’ or ‘Beer Gut’.   Go for Abs-Friendly Foods   Abs-friendly foods deal with the causes of belly fat, like balancing your gut bacteria, reducing gas, preventing constipation and containing healthy fats. Whole grains, lean protein, eggs, leafy vegetables, almonds, yogurt and green tea are toppers in this list. Get your dose of Omega 3 fatty acids from fatty fish or capsules. Green tea contains catechins which are antioxidants that claim to reduce belly fat.   Eat at the Right Time The trick is to never stuff your tummy, or to starve. Eat something within half an hour of waking up and then a breakfast full of wholegrain and protein. Go for a filling lunch and a light dinner at least three hours before bedtime. Eat two snacks , one mid-morning and one at tea time. Small, balanced meals do not lead to tummy bulge and keep your metabolism up and running. Best part is that your body never goes into starvation mode, which is when it feels the need to store everything as fat.   Space out Foods that Cause Bloating   Do not eat multiple servings of gassy foods in a single day, since it might lead to bloating and belly bulge. Common foods in this list are broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, dried beans and lentils. These are very healthy and have good fiber, so do not omit them, just space them out across your meals throughout the week.   Practice some Tummy Twister Moving on to exercise, experts agree that good, intense cardio is essential in burning belly fat. As the body loses overall fat, it helps the belly to slim down as well. Focus on core exercises to tone your muscle, which will make you look slimmer. Start activities on a regular basis, such as walking, running or cycling, it’s also recommended to target the specific area of the belly to tone the muscles and give the area a better definition and shape.          

How to Make PMS Less Painful and More Relaxing

Mood swings, cramps, bloating - sound familiar? Premenstrual mood swings, surprisingly, are something of a medical mystery. We already know they are caused by a combination of personal biology, hormonal fluctuations, and environment. However, this sensitive balance of factors can make treating them a process of trial and error for almost every woman. If you are among the 85% of women who experience the physical and emotional symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) each month, you may be relieved to know that there are certain steps to control the distress and discomfort that often comes before your periods. Understand your trigger The most constant cause of anger is someone interfering with the things we are intent on doing. Another person’s anger, frustration, a threat of harm, being rejected, or an irritable mood during PMS, are all common triggers for anger. It is very crucial for you to understand and determine which are the most potent triggers for your anger. With this knowledge, you’ll learn to recognize your triggers over time, re-evaluate the conditions, and diffuse your angry feelings before they get out of control. Wash your face way more often   There are many people who tend to have oilier skin during their periods, which contributes to breakouts. If you are also someone who face this issue, then exfoliate with products which contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide more often while PMSing than you usually do. This will help you dry out that excess oil and treat the pimples that popped up already. Add some thyme to your tea for a DIY cramp-reliever A study revealed that thyme essential oil is just as effective as ibuprofen in relieving pre-period cramps. To find legit essential oil or to know how much to use can be a tricky task, so stick with the herb instead. Add some dried or fresh thyme to boiling water and let it sit for some quality time prior to drinking. Manage irritable mood Controlling anger when in an irritable mood is a hard time for everyone. And this becomes worse with PMS. In our irritable mood, we tend to become angry over minor things as well. We also feel angry more intensively than we would normally. During such times, you may want to spend quiet time alone, indulge in activities that you truly enjoy, or pamper yourself. Paying special attention to and taking better care of yourself generally helps. Wrapping up: Know that anger in itself is not all bad. As long as we are in control, it involves some benefits as well. With enough patience and practice, you can learn to contain your PMS anger gradually, live a happier and healthier life and create better relationships. Yes, knowledge does not guarantee control, but it offers that possibility. So, remember that it is really possible to control PMS anger. You can if you really want to!    

How to Keep Hygiene During Menstruation

Menstruation is one of the vital processes of a woman’s body. It is a sensitive time for all the women and deserves utmost caution and self-care. But many women remain unaware of the clean and healthy practices that must be followed during this time of the month. Whether you are nearing menopause or have just attained puberty, not following hygienic practices can lead to several dangerous infections such as vaginal infections and UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). Moreover, ensuring proper hygiene during menses and eating right also eases the pain that you go through. Here are some crucial menstrual practices that all women should follow: Wash yourself properly Washing your vagina on a regular basis is extremely crucial since the organisms cling to your body after you have removed your sanitary napkin. While most people wash themselves regularly, they don’t know the right way, which is using your hands in motion from the vagina to the anus and not vice-versa. Motioning your hand from the anus to the vagina can cause the bacteria to transfer from the anus to the vagina which leads to infections. Change the products often The longer a sanitary product stays in contact with your body, the higher the risk of you attracting infection. When the sanitary napkins are left on for too long, it can cause rashes and also causes infections. In general, a sanitary napkin can be used for up to six hours. Whereas, tampons need to be changed every two to three hours as they go into the vagina and have higher levels of absorbency. Menstrual cups need to be emptied when they get full and thus depends on your flow. Do not use soaps or vagina hygiene products Though using vaginal hygiene products every day is a good idea. However, when you use these products during menses, it can turn things around. Vaginas have their own cleaning mechanism which comes into play during menstrual cycles. Artificial hygiene products can hamper the natural process causing infections and growth of bacteria. Stick to one method of sanitation There are many women who tend to use tampons and sanitary napkins, or two sanitary napkins simultaneously during heavy flow. While this technique may keep you dry and prevent clothes getting stained, it can cause infections too. The combination of two techniques absorbs the blood making us ignorant to the need of changing the tampons and sanitary napkins. When there is an absence of frequent change, the accumulated blood invites bacteria and causes infections. Thus, it is recommended to use one sanitary napkin and change it as frequently as possible during heavy flow. Wrapping up: These are some of the essential practices for ensuring a clean and healthy period. It is also beneficial to be well prepared around the time of your period. Always carry with you extra pads, tampons, and clean towels. Also, discard your used products by wrapping them properly so that infections are contained.

Things to Know About Depression in Women

Feeling sad is a normal reaction to all the difficult phase of life. But most often, the sadness goes away with time. Depression is something different. It is a medical condition that may cause severe symptoms and have the power to affect how you think, feel, and handle everyday activities such as eating, sleeping, or working. It has been found that depression is more common in women as compared to men. This is likely due to certain hormonal, biological, and social factors unique to women. As a matter of fact, about 15 million people in the U.S. experience depression every year. And the majority of them are women. In fact, women are twice as likely to develop clinical depression as men. Unfortunately enough, about two-thirds do not get the help that they require. Here are some of the things about depression in women you must know: #1 Depression is a real medical condition and one just cannot ‘snap out’ of it Depression is a common yet serious mood disorder. The symptoms of depression can interfere with your ability to work, study, sleep, eat, and enjoy your life. The research suggests that depression is caused by a combination of biological, genetic, psychological, and environmental factors. And most of the people who suffer from this chronic mental illness need treatment to feel better. The friends and family members of someone with depression may try telling them to “just be positive”, or “snap out of it”. However, depression is not a sign of a person’s character flaw or weakness. The truth is that majority of people who experience depression need treatment to get out of this illness and feel better. In case you feel that you may have depression, start by making an appointment with a doctor or healthcare provider. The doctor or the health care provider will examine you and talk to you about the appropriate treatment options and the subsequent steps. #2 Depression affects each woman differently It is a fact not each woman who is suffering from depression experiences every symptom. Some women only experience a few symptoms. While others may have many. Depending on the individual and her particular illness, the frequency and the severity of symptoms will vary and how long they last differ as well. The symptoms may also vary depending on the stage of the illness. #3 It is possible to treat depression It should be noted that even the most severe cases of depression can be treated. The condition is commonly treated with medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of the two. When these treatments do not succeed in reducing the symptoms, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and other brain stimulation therapies are the options to try. #4 Certain types of depression are unique to women The postpartum period, perimenopause, the menstrual cycle, and the pregnancy are all associated with dramatic physical as well as hormonal changes. The certain types of depression that occur at different stages of a woman’s life include- Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), Perinatal Depression, and Perimenopausal Depression.